
Why should our President live in his basement forever?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a democrat or republican but the fact is irony.  Our country's history has never seen a President who can't be able to slash the questions from reporters. For instance, at the White House press conference on Nov 8, 2018, a CNN reporter asked the former President Trump a question, “Do you think that you demonized immigrants?” Everybody in the hall expected that Trump would give some pathetic answer and they could bash him with words. However, Trump handled the question like a boss and answered him, “I want them to come into the country but they have to come in legally - and I want people to come in and we need the people - because we’ve hundreds of companies moving in we need the people.” The reporter himself becomes stoned and couldn’t take it anymore hence he was trying to interpret other reporters. At last Trump become pissed off by his rude behavior and slashed him with the reply, “CNN should be ashamed of itself for having you working for th

Are these all fake news? Here's the list of fake news and its authors.

 A study says more than 41% of Americans believe the news from the various multimedia channels. By considering the usage of the internet and many misleading contents, the user may be ended up believing the fake news. It's a threat to the people as they may not get the facts in case of these populations of these kinds of degraded contents.  How to check whether the news contents are real or not? We could easily check the certainty of the news by researching its context on different platforms. Use Google or DuckDuckGo to do your research on finding the root of the information. The results should have the same context and core points to consider as facts. There're tons of online websites that are using niche terms and trending taglines to lure the visitors inside the page only to find a pile of useless contents and links along with advertisements. If you find any website filled with 2/3 of ads, it could be one of those fake sites. We do need to make our society to be aware of the

Shall we call it a Chinese virus now? Here's the fact with the details.

It would be preaching to the choir if we said Corona is a man-made thing. Everybody in this universe knows the fact and its origin from China. The virus was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan and it was rapidly spreading across the globe. The total number of deaths in China due to Corona is 4,636 till now which is much lesser than the rest of the world. Where the other countries were struggling to take control over the disaster, the Chinese government put an end to it in their country. It clearly shows you two points, one is the Chinese government intentionally made that virus and targetted the European and American countries. And number two is they didn't get the consecutive waves of spread like other countries. Image source : Google. The Chinese government couldn't find an effective way of competing with the first world countries other than initiating the bio-wars. The world leaders also don't seem to be happy with that as they won't spare the country that

Is BLM a cringe?

First of all, we should think about the quarrel that happened during the initial days of BLM protests. The protest was proclaimed as a peaceful movement but ultimately led to major attacks against the innocent people and shops owned by small vendors. If somebody points out the BLM protesters atrocities, they'd always point out the attack that happened in Capitol. We don't get one thing here is that if they show the capital attack as an excuse to commit such attacks then what are they expecting as a return? According to BLM peoples, they'd do whatever atrocities in the community, and the cops shouldn't take any action on them. If a cop does his duty, he'll be labeled as a traitor. Some minority people do such prohibited things and cover themselves under a blanket of these kinds of protests. To be honest, ALM should rule and BLM needs to be tuned as ALM. Because all lives matter and not only a particular community or race. In ALM, it includes all kinda races and