Is BLM a cringe?

First of all, we should think about the quarrel that happened during the initial days of BLM protests. The protest was proclaimed as a peaceful movement but ultimately led to major attacks against the innocent people and shops owned by small vendors. If somebody points out the BLM protesters atrocities, they'd always point out the attack that happened in Capitol. We don't get one thing here is that if they show the capital attack as an excuse to commit such attacks then what are they expecting as a return?

According to BLM peoples, they'd do whatever atrocities in the community, and the cops shouldn't take any action on them. If a cop does his duty, he'll be labeled as a traitor. Some minority people do such prohibited things and cover themselves under a blanket of these kinds of protests. To be honest, ALM should rule and BLM needs to be tuned as ALM. Because all lives matter and not only a particular community or race.

In ALM, it includes all kinda races and there's no such discrimination and controversial theories in this term. BLM is a made-up thing and it banked the benefits to the black sheep who always used to trigger the people for the sake of their benefit. So, people should think twice before they support or do such things. We don't mean to be rude, but whatever we said is a fact. Hence we left the decision-making with you.

Conclusion: BLM isn't a cringe but ALM should rule. Because ALM has common facts and its for all races.

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